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Chao J, van Geenen D, Gerlitz C and van der Vlist FN (2024, January 30). Digital methods for sensory media research: Toolmaking as a critical technical practice. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 30(1): 236–263. DOI: 10.1177/13548565241226791.

van der Vlist FN, Helmond A, Dieter M and Weltevrede E (2024, January 10). Super-appification: Mapping conglomeration in the global digital economy. New Media & Society, 0(0): 1–24. DOI: 10.1177/14614448231223419.


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Helmond A and van der Vlist FN (2021) Platform and app histories: Assessing source availability in web archives and app repositories [pre-print]. In D Gomez, E Demidova, J Winters and T Risse (Eds), The Past Web: Exploring Web Archives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 203–214. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63291-5_16.

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Ross, A and Nieborg DB (2021) Spinning is winning: Social casino apps and the platformization of gamble-play. Journal of Consumer Culture, 21(1), 84–101. DOI: 10.1177/1469540521993931

van der Vlist, FN and Helmond A (2021) How partners mediate platform power: Mapping business and data partnerships in the social media ecosystem. Big Data & Society, 8(2), 1–16. DOI: 10.1177/20539517211025061.

Nieborg, DB (2021) Apps of Empire: Global capitalism and the app economy. Games & Culture, 16(3), 305-316. DOI: 10.1177/1555412020937826.


Burkhardt M, Helmond A, Seitz T and van der Vlist FN (2020, October 5) The Evolution of Facebook’s Graph API. AoIR 2020 Selected Papers of Internet Research (SPIR): 21st 2020 Annual Meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers. Dublin, Ireland. October 27–31. Chicago, IL: Association of Internet Researchers. DOI: 10.5210/spir.v2020i0.11185.

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Duguay S, Burgess J and Suzor N (2020) Queer women’s experiences of patchwork platform governance on Tinder, Instagram, and Vine. Convergence, 26(2), 237-252. DOI: 10.1177/1354856518781530.

Nieborg DB, Young, CJ and Joseph D (2020) App imperialism: The political economy of the Canadian App Store. Social Media + Society, 6(2), 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/2056305120933293.

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Duguay S (2020) You can’t use this app for that: Exploring off-label use through an investigation of Tinder. The Information Society, 36(1), 30-42. DOI: 10.1080/01972243.2019.1685036.


Helmond A and van der Vlist FN (2019, November 6) Social media and platform historiography: Challenges and opportunities. TMG – Journal for Media History, 22(1), 6–34. DOI: 10.18146/tmg.434.

Gerlitz C, Helmond A, Nieborg DB and van der Vlist FN (Eds.) (2019, October 21) Apps and infrastructures [special issue]. Computational Culture, 7. Available at: http://computationalculture.net/issue-seven/.

Gerlitz C, Helmond A, Nieborg DB and van der Vlist FN (2019, October 21) Apps and infrastructures – a research agenda [special issue editorial]. Computational Culture, 7. Available at: http://computationalculture.net/apps-and-infrastructures-a-research-agenda/.

Gerlitz C, Helmond A, van der Vlist FN and Weltevrede E (2019, October 21) Regramming the platform: Infrastructural relations between apps and social media. Computational Culture, 7. Available at: http://computationalculture.net/regramming-the-platform/.

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Nieborg DB, Young C and Joseph D (2019) Lost in the App Store: The political economy of the Canadian game app economy. Canadian Journal of Communication, 44(2), 57–62.

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Helmond A, Nieborg DB and van der Vlist FN (2019, May 1) Facebook’s evolution: Development of a platform-as-infrastructureInternet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, 3(2), 123–146. DOI: 10.1145/3097286.3097324.

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